Our Experience of Wrap Your Love
How time flies!
It was like yesterday when me and my husband where discussing how to setup wrapyourlove.com following the birth of our daughter. We saw a high need for online baby supplies in Malta. We managed to meet the right price with a high quality product and service. Was it easy? Well, launching a new online brand is itself already hard, and given that Malta is a small market, makes it even harder. We also had our two little munchkins who needed a lot of our time and attention, so everything put together, it wasn’t easy.
Nothing comes easy
Yet, when there is a will, there is a way. We worked super hard and planned really well the strategy and implementation of WYL. With a strong will and determination, we started to get a good vibe from the market, confirming that we were right about the market’s need. We made sure that the whole experience is easy and a positive one. The product range has been selected to target most of our target audience.
On to my next chapter in my lifetime
Three and a half months down the line and since then a lot has happened. Our kids are now nearly 6 and 4 years of age. Meantime, I have went back to the my beloved industry – that of beauty. My passion towards beauty has been there for years, and being in this industry for over ten years, I just feel passionate to be back after having a break whilst raising and caring for our kids. I kept studying in this area to keep specialising and furthering my skills and horizon. It is such a vast industry and there is so much on can learn.
Beauty Haven’s Birth
We have a third “baby”! Thats what we told our friends . . . letting them think this literally after seeing their reaction and explaining that it’s a different type of “baby”. Last summer, July 2019, marked an important milestone in my lifetime. We opened my salon located in Zokrija, Mosta, offering hair, nails, beauty, skin care, lash extensions and makeup. It has been a super super super busy two years, in order to get the salon finished to the high standards we wanted. As we did with WYL, we designed the salon for clients to come for a holistic beauty experience.
I invited you to visit our website www.beautyhaven.eu, aimed for you to experience our beauty services, where beauty meets relaxation.